The sun radiates light to the earth, and part of that light consists of invisible UV rays.
These UV rays cause tanning, burning, and other skin damages. UVA rays cause skin aging and wrinkling and can cause skin cancer, such as melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer).Collagen is a protein that retains the firmness of your skin and elastin is the support fibre that allows skin to bounce back. Collagen and elastin degradation in the deeper skin layers can result in premature signs of skin ageing, such as wrinkles and fine lines, because your skin loses its elasticity and firmness.
“Sun damage destroys the collagen and elastin in your skin. “
Direct sunlight is harmful to the skin thereby causing wrinkles amongst others. A skin reaction to heat may cause heat rash. This occurs when sweat gets trapped within your pores, causing irritation and a rash.
There are three different types of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC.
UVA rays are the most common form of sun exposure. UVB rays make up less sun exposure but are more intense. UVC rays are the worst. Luckily, we are not at risk of UVC rays. The earth’s ozone layer blocks these rays.Though we can’t see UV rays, they can go through our skin. The epidermis cells contain a pigment (or dye) called melanin. People with light skin have less melanin than dark-skinned people. This is why very fair-skinned people burn easily.
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